
Archive for January 28th, 2009

Nico Georis

Nico Georis’ songs amble down the bleached highways and byways of windswept, Western mythology. They live a life of quiet California desperation, that sunny sadness that proves that even in the light there is loneliness.  Even on those wide-eyed butterfly afternoons spent splashing in the reedy river, there is an apathy that lingers long after the blue jeans have dried.  Green grass and summer sunsets are beautiful, but they don’t answer our questions. They humbly offer an example to live by, and maybe, just maybe we can find stillness, meaning, connection, or whatever you want to call it, if only in a song. Maybe not.

You can catch Nico playing with Kaki King and Sarah McCoy at the Brookdale Lodge on January 30th. Visit our dear friends at (((folkYEAH))) for more info.

[ download ] River Song

Bigger Sun


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