
Archive for the ‘Luckey Remington’ Category


Woke up today feeling terribly ill thinking I could never muster the strength to go see Jana Hunter and Castanets play tonight; whom I’ve been waiting months to see. Well wouldn’t you know it, the elixir I needed arrived just in time for tonight in the sound of Nathan Pelkey’s new ragtime tinged folk songs. Recently recorded in a canyon in California “by Beau Fletcher, Luckey Remington and Devendra Banhart”, Pelkey has just put up the first song “Forevable time” from the session and is available for download below. I wish I could share the tale that goes along with these recordings, but for now you’ll have to hear it in the recording. Nathan Pelkey is definitely an artist who deserves to be heard and to keep an eye out for. When more details are made available I will be sure to let you know. I can’t wait to hear the other songs that came from this spontaneous session.

Nathan Pelkey – Forevable Time

Visit his myspace here

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